Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Why, How, When and What is meditation?

Meditation is nothing but knowing yourself by looking inside. There is abundant energy exist in the whole world in the form of cosmic rays. You are feeling weak means "You are not in a position to grasp that energy", which cures all the diseases with out any medicine.

All the you need is to consume more cosmic energy than normal.

How can i consume more cosmic energy?

simple, by practicing meditation. The phenomenon behind absorbing cosmic energy is to stop your mind from different thoughts. A question may arise "Is it possible to stop thinking?", your doubt is correct, we may not stop thinking as a normal human being, but you can restrict your thoughts from being scattered from one to other. I mean, start on a particular point, topic or interest.

Is it still hard to concentrate on a single point? Than, concentrate on your breath. just observe the breath as much as you can.

What is difference between sleep and meditation?

sleeping means meditation with out concentration. Meditation means sleeping with concentration.
While sleeping many of your organs will be in inactive state. But in meditation, All your organs are more active than when you are doing anything.

Not but not least, to practice meditation all you need is belief. The more you believe, the easier you can practice the meditation.

Whats next?

In my next post, I'll explain, when, where and how long it is required to do meditation....


Chinnapa Reddy Y said...

Hi Buddy, Its really informative...infact I was not knowing exactly about "Meditation", now I can frame a definition...Good...Carry on...Would like to see more of such...!!!

---Chinnapa Reddy Y

Unknown said...

Hi Chotu,

Its simple....concise and having enough information to give knowledge abt 'What is meditation and why we need that & how to..'...

Thats Good.You covered all the basics abt that great art of living,enough to teach well to a novice guy :-).

Add more questionaire to that...for covering numerous aspects of MEDITATION