Thursday, September 10, 2009

Revealing the Secret of GOD

It’s Very Sad to say/know that Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Osho and I are just HUMAN BEINGS. Don’t get surprised!!! Believe it. In olden days, better to say olden ages, people has nothing much to do with technology [as there is no instrumental technology], they used to do everything on their own.

To Start with, for sending messages we are using mobiles, can we send it using a pigeon?
But in olden days, they were able to do that. Before that, were they able to send without any medium?
But their previous generation did. How they used to convey messages?

It’s by using Telepathy, just connecting to the mind of person they wish to send, without any visible & physical medium. Similarly they are able to travel to distances without any medium using Teleportation. How that was possible, it’s just by concentration. This is the only phenomenon that distinguished normal human being with the extraordinary personality.

If you are not feeling that the above is nothing but a BULL SHIT, please do stop reading. I hope you are not the expected audience; I don’t want to waste your time. Also, Thanks for valueble time....

Thank god you have at least 1% hope that the reason behind the god might be one of the above statements. So than you can ask me about how the life started.
In my view life is nothing but a mud [usually called as physical body]. mixed with power [called as SHAKTHI]. And ATHMA is just SHAKTI without mud. Life means SHKTHI existing with body, and DEATH means SHAKTI left the body. Without SHAKTHI, a human cannot move but if he tries he can do anything with that POWER with in him. Any human doesn’t require food/water/energy, if he regularly improves his SHAKTHI [which can be done by meditation]. All the required energy can be obtained just by meditation [called as THAPASSU in olden days]
We are not imagining [god can fly (గాల్లో విహరించడం)/disappear (అదృశ్యం)/vanish (బస్మీ పటలం)/curse (శాపం)/(పరకాయ ప్రవేశం) anything which has not happened earlier. We think it as imagination, as we never saw that in our life time. But just they are happened in the past and brought to this generation as a thrilling story. But in fact all this cock and bull stories happened in REAL in PAST. How does VALMIKI or a VYAS can write epics, it’s just because they happened and they got to know the story before anyone else [May someone else know it before him, but not interested to put it in papers]. When you are in a position to consume the energy [we call it as COSMIC rays] using meditation, than we can live forever without any food.
So, in a nut shell I want to say that, the persons [we generally called as GODs] who were able to consume the energy and with highly concentration lived a separate life which is higher than a normal human being. Their concentration made them treated as GODs.

So you can ask, how Tirupathi/Kaasi temple, Vatican City, GOLDEN Temple, BUDDA Temples or Makka can have a power to serve the devotees wishes?
When bulk number of people goes to a place where they first find a statue, some part of every individual’s power retain there at statue, which passes from person with high energy to person with low energy[as the temperature passes, as air flows], Which makes them feel good and healthy and confident in doing the things better way.

I want to conclude my post with one example: Let us suppose, after 3 or 4 generations, if we dont have any history written about BUDDHA, defenetly they treat him as a GOD, by seeing at the temples. Only our generation knows him as a king Siddhārtha, who got knowledge under bodhi vruksha. Our future generations may not accept that buddha was a human being, if there wouldn't be any history written.

Thats all i wanna convey to you...

Please do your valueble comments, each and every comment is very valueble to me.

Ps: My Intention is not to convey that god does not exists, but to say how he existed - is existing - wil exists.